Category: Expense
Track billable expenses and items as income in a single account or in multiple accounts
Adds a “Use for billable expenses” checkbox to an account’s edit screen in the Chart of Accounts.
Item details tab not showing up to enter Expense for Non-inventory type and Service type items
In order to show Item details tab on Expense form, first, you need a Plus plan. Essentials and Simple Start does not have Item details tab feature. If you have a Plus plan, you will need to check the following two setups: 1) Gear settings for Expenses – Gear at the top right corner >…
How to add Billable Expenses to an existing already created Invoice
Open an existing invoice. Look for an arrow pointing left at the top right corner (right to BALANCE DUE). Click that arrow You will find the Billable Expense sitting there and click Add. You will notice line item from the existing invoice and added a billable expense line item. Delete line item from an existing…
What is ‘Copy to Bill’ at the right side under the Expenses tab
If you have created a Vendor Purchase Order, you will see “Copy to bill” on the right side. You can convert the PO to a Vendor Bill. If you’ve already created Bill (Check or Expense) for that PO, you can choose “Add to” from the right panel, then it will close the PO.
What does checking Billable box do in QuickBooks Online
The billable feature is available only in QuickBooks Online with Plus plan. When you select “Billable” Expense checkbox field, you must also select a Customer/Project field each split line that is billable. If you don’t select Customer/Project field, you will get an error message. You can’t the save the transaction. (If you’ve Markup percentage turned…
Why mark it billable to a customer and select “track returns for customers” box on a bank deposit
This has to do with reflecting accurate direct expenses related to customers on Income by Customer Report. If you are depositing a vendor/supplier refund for an expense that was previously Billed to a customer, select “Track returns for customers” box and choose that same customer on the deposit and mark it Billable. For example, if…
Owner paid a subcontractor with his own money. How to make sure Vendor shows up on 1099 and still able to write the reimburse check to the Company Owner
First, you will need to create a new dummy bank account. You will also need a due to the owner as a liability type account to use it for later reimbursement. Step#1 Use bank deposit form (create + sign > other > bank deposit) to record contributed amount by the owner to pay a contractor.…
QBO: How do I make employee payroll reimbursement for expenses they incurred on behalf of the company
To set up a single reimbursement pay type for an employee: Click on the Employees tab Click the name of the employee Click on the pencil icon beside Pay Click Additional pay types Click the arrow Even more ways to pay Check the box for Reimbursement Click Done This is useful if you separately track…
How to import credit card transactions from Excel CSV (.csv) file into QuickBooks Online?
The short video (below) will show you step-by-step instructions on how to import credit card transactions from Excel CSV file into QBO so that you will not import transactions the wrong way. Confusion has to do with bank account field and Quickbooks field screen. It is the same field name for bank download as well…