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How do I delete old payroll taxes due that were paid outside of QuickBooks Online?

There is no way of deleting a tax due sitting on the account unless you delete all the paychecks created. You will need to record this tax payment in your QuickBooks Online Payroll.

Here are the simple steps:

From the home page screen > left navigation bar

  • Taxes> Payroll Taxes.
  • Under Taxes, click Enter prior tax history.
  • Click Add Payment.
  • Select the Tax Type.
  • Select the Liability Period.
  • Enter the Payment Date.
  • Enter the Check Number (or payment reference).
  • Enter the Notes (give appropriate information for record).
  • Under TAX AMOUNT ITEM, enter the breakdown amount.
  • Click OK.

This record will not show up in the registers and in bank account.

Click on the screenshots below to enlarge them
enter prior tax history

add prior tax payment

create prior tax payment

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