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How to set it up and enter bank Line of Credit (LOC) transactions in new QuickBooks Online?

To track a line of credit (LOC) extended to your business, create a liability account with an opening balance of zero in your Chart of Accounts.

Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts

From the Home page screen

  • Go to the Company Gear (right upper corner)
  • Select Chart of Accounts under Settings header
  • Select the blue “New” button (right corner)
  • A new “Account” information screen will open
  • Category Type = Other Current Liabilities
  • Detail = Line of Credit
  • Name = Line of Credit (or Chase Line of Credit if preferred to name the bank)
  • Description Line of Credit (or same as name)
  • Balance = Leave opening balance as “0” (zero even if you’ve already used LOC and have balance. It’s better to enter the transaction later.)
  • Click the “Save” button
Add new LOC account
Add a new LOC account

To record (for example $100,000.00) the LOC extended to your company and deposited to the main Checking account:

Bank Deposit
Bank Deposit

From the Home page screen

  • Go to Create “+” sign (top middle)
  • Deposits under the “Other” header
  • Ensure the proper Deposit to the account is selected (in this example, Chase Checking Account)
  • Date = Enter bank posted date
  • Go “Add New Deposits” section
  • Received From = Chase LOC Payment (Add New as Vendor if needed)
  • Account = Line of Credit (Select the “Line of Credit” account just created as “Other Current Liabilities) from the Account drop-down arrow)
  • Description = For example, Chase line of credit deposited to Chase Checking Account
  • Payment Method = Bank Online or appropriate (add new if needed)
  • Ref Number = Enter the last four digits of the LOC number (optional)
  • Amount = $100,000.00
  • Attachments (paper clip icon) = Upload picture of related document (if available)
  • Click the “Save and New or Save and Close” blue button

This entry will show you have added $100,000 as a deposit to Chase Checking Account and $100,000 as a liability to the Chase LOC account.

loc deposit
LOC deposit

To record just interest charges (in this example $500 interest charges) applied to the LOC by your financial institution:
See instructions below for making Principal and Interest Payment.
From the Home page screen

  • Select the blue navigation bar on the left
  • Select Transactions
  • Select Registers
  • Locate Line of Credit Account register
  • Double click Line of Credit Account
  • Liability for Line of Credit screen will open
  • Enter the date of the interest charge (for example 4/30/2014)
  • Financial institution name where the line of credit is held as the Payee (in this example Chase LOC Payment)
  • Enter the interest charge in the Increase column (in this example $500.00)
  • Choose the Interest Expense account from the “Account” drop-down arrow
  • Enter “Memo” as Interest Expense for the period (in this example for April 2014)
  • Click Save
Record Interest Expense
Record Interest Expense

To record repayment of the LOC and/or payment of interest charges:
(In this example making a $5,000 LOC payment from Chase Checking Account ($4,500 principal and $500 interest)

From the Home page screen

  • Select Create “+” sign
  • Select “Expense” (if paid Online) or Select “Check” (if issued Check) under the Vendors header. In this example, we are making an online payment.
  • Click the LOC Account as Payee from the drop-down arrow (“Chase LOC Payment” in this example)
  • Choose the bank account you want to make payment from (“Chase Checking Account” in this example)
  • Expense Date: = Payment Date (for example 4/30/2104)
  • Payment Method: = Bank Online
  • Under Account Details, click the drop-down arrow and choose the “Line of Credit” account (Other Current Liabilities type),
    Under Description = Principal Payment
    Under Amount = $4,500.00
  • On the second line, Under Account Details, click the drop-down arrow and choose the “Interest Expense” account (Expenses type),
    Under Description = Interest Payment
    Under Amount = $500.00
  • Make sure total payment is $5,000.00
  • Attachments (small paper clip icon, bottom left): Upload the photo of the LOC statement. Optional but recommended.
  • Click Save and New or Save and Close button
LOC payment
LOC payment

To enter a payment that has been made directly from the LOC to a vendor, where no bills have been entered:
In this example, we are making a $10,000 payment to Simon Manufacturing for purchased materials.
From the Home page screen

  • Select the blue navigation bar on the left
  • Select Transactions
  • Select Registers
  • Locate Line of Credit Account register
  • Double click Line of Credit Account
  • Liability for Line of Credit screen will open
  • Enter the date of the purchase (for example 4/30/2014)
  • Name of Vendor Payee (in this example Simon Manufacturing)
  • Enter the amount in the Increase column (in this example $10,00.00)
  • Choose Purchases Expense Account from the “Account” drop-down arrow
  • Enter “Memo” as Buying Materials (for example XYZ job)
  • Click Save

NOTE: This transaction will not show up on the Vendors Center record. For to show transactions recorded on Vendors Center, see the three-step process below.

LOC purchases
LOC purchases

To pay bills where funds have gone directly from the line of credit to the Vendor Entered Bill as Accounts Payable:
This involves three steps process.

Step # 1 Enter Vendor Bill

Enter Vendor Bill
Enter Vendor Bill

From the Home page screen

  • Select Create “+” sign
  • Select “Bill” under Vendors header
  • Select Vendor = Simon Manufacturing
  • Date = 4/30/1014
  • Under the Account Details column, select Account = Purchases Expenses Account for example
  • Amount = $10,000.00
  • Click Save and Close button

This entry will create Accounts Payable balance of $10,000.00 in Simon Manufacturing’s account

Step # 2 Write Journal to show a payment to the Vendor by LOC

Journal Entry
Journal Entry

From the Home page screen

  • Select Create “+” sign
  • Journal Entry under Other
  • Enter the date (for example 4/30/2014)
  • On the first line, click the Account drop-down arrow and select Accounts Payable
  • Under the Debit column, enter the amount ($10,000 in this example) you paid the vendor
  • Enter a memo such as “Paid from the line of credit”
  • Under Name, click the drop-down arrow and select the vendor you paid (“Simon Manufacturing” in this example)
  • On the second line Under Name, click the Account drop-down arrow and select the line of credit account (“Line of Credit” in this example)
  • Under the Credit column, enter the amount you paid the vendor ($10,000 in this example)
  • Enter a memo such as “Paid from the line of credit”
  • Click Save and Close
Journal Entry for Purchase Payment
Journal Entry for Purchase Payment

Step # 3 Now you need to link the bill payment to the vendor credit paid by LOC:
From the Home page screen

  • Select Create “+” sign
  • Select “Pay Bills” under the Vendors header
  • Under Pay to the Order, select the vendor name (Simon Manufacturing)
  • Under Choose an account for Bank, Select Bank Clearing Account (Add new if needed. This account will always have zero balance.)
  • The screen will refresh and you’ll see a matching amount under Credits and Bill Payment Information.  Click the checkboxes so the amounts match.
  • Leave the amount blank as “0.00” zero. It’s an “In and Out” entry, so the amount should be zero
  • Click Save and Close button

This entry will clear Accounts Payable and will show payment transactions on Vendor Center.

Apply LOC payment to vendor 1
Apply LOC payment to vendor 1
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