Tag: sales tax
Common mistakes to avoid when setting up sales tax in QBO
Currently, Automated Sales Tax is for accrual-based accounting. In Manual Sales Tax feature, you can toggle between cash and accrual method.
How to Manage SALES TAX – set up, collect, report and pay sales tax in QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online – How to Manage SALES TAX – set up, collect, report and pay sales tax From the Dashboard > Taxes Set up products and services and make it taxable > Gear > Lists > Products and Services > New > select ‘Is taxable” box. Also, see reference article: Sales tax in QuickBooks Online
Does QBO automatically pull deposits pre-payment on taxable items into Sales Tax Payable
The answer is no. Deposit field on Invoice is below the total field. It does not compute sales tax on deposit (acts more like pre-payment) field in QBO. If you run the Sales Tax Liability report from the Sales Tax Center (View sales tax liability report under Related Tasks at the far right side). Just…
How do I edit rename a sales tax agency in QBO
To edit and rename the Agency paid for Sales Tax in Sales Tax Center: 1. Click on Sales Tax (or under taxes) at left navigation bar. 2. Right below the Agency name is a blue link to rename. (Screenshot 1 below). 3. Then enter the Agency name so when you write a Sales Tax Payment…
QuickBooks Online QBO Tutorial for Beginners – August 2016
How would you like to learn QuickBooks in 90 minutes? This FREE video tutorial is specifically designed for beginners in mind. You will learn QuickBooks Online the right way from the start. It covers all the basics you need to learn and offers some helpful tips. If you are looking for step-by-step educational guidance and…
How to print sales tax check in new QuickBooks Online?
From the blue navigation bar on the left > select Sales Tax tab > select “Record Tax Payment” blue button > New “Record Sales Tax Payment” screen will open > “Print a check” checkbox is located right below Notes field > select Checkbox > select “Record Payment and Print Check” blue button Now, sales tax…
Where do I find the amount of sales taxes due in new QuickBooks Online?
From the home page screen Go to blue navigation bar on the left Select Sales Tax tab Sales Tax Center Record Tax Payment button under Sales Tax Owed heading Make sure tax period ending is correct. Also, fill notes filed with resales certificate number. QuickBooks Online: Where do I find the amount of sales taxes…
I don’t see any data when I run sales tax report. I list non taxable and taxable sales when I deposit sales
In order to get total sales and taxable sales with sales tax collected, you will need to run a “Sales by Customer Detail” report. This stand-alone report will not give you all the information you need to file the Sales Tax Return. You will need to further customize it to work-around. To do this, you…
How do you delete/deactivate a sales tax code in new QuickBooks Online?
You can deactivate Sales Tax agency in the new QuickBooks Online. From the homepage screen Go to the blue navigation bar on the left Select Sales Tax Select Add/edit tax rates and agencies under related tasks Locate Tax agency to deactivate and checkbox Select Deactivate button New warning screen will open Click Continue and Done
Do you have to separate the sales tax paid to a vendor when recording in QuickBooks Online?
Do you have to separate the sales tax paid to a vendor when recording in QB? I have entered all the checks that were written. I just want to know if I need to go back and separate the sales tax that were paid to the vendors. If so, what would be the account to…