Tag: billable expenses by customer
Why mark it billable to a customer and select “track returns for customers” box on a bank deposit
This has to do with reflecting accurate direct expenses related to customers on Income by Customer Report. If you are depositing a vendor/supplier refund for an expense that was previously Billed to a customer, select “Track returns for customers” box and choose that same customer on the deposit and mark it Billable. For example, if…
How to use track return for customers field shown on deposit form
“Track returns for customers” have to do with whenever you invoice your client for billable expenses (time and material) and the client pays less (for a variety of reasons) than the invoice amount. This is a way to correctly track returns for customers’ accounts and receive payment to match the deposit amount. In case, you…
How do I connect expenses to customer jobs for Customer job costing in new QuickBooks Online Plus?
If you have Essentials, you will need to upgrade from Essentials to Plus subscription. From Home page screen Go the Company “Gear” icon (located at top right hand corner, next to company login name Select “Company Settings” under Settings heading Select “Expenses” under Settings heading Select “Bills and Expenses” and make needed selections ▣ Show Items…
How can I search for transactions in new QuickBooks Online?
From the home page screen, click on the magnifying glass at the top middle of the page and choose “advanced search” You can search/find the following transactions: Bill Payments Billable Expense Charges Bills Charges Checks Credit Card Credits Credit Memos Credits Estimates Expenses Invoices Journal Entries Payments from Customers Purchase Orders Refunds Sales Receipts Sales…