Revolutionizing Accounting and Finance with AI. Many of you have asked which AI software applications we are utilizing. We currently use for content creation and for text-to-speech (TTS).

Is there a way to check the status of emailed Invoices “sent” and “viewed” by customers?

Yes. To see which invoices were sent and viewed by clients:

From the home page screen

  • Left blue navigation bar
  • Click Transactions
  • Select Sales
  • Click Filter
  • Under Type select Invoices
  • Click Apply

Under the column Status* (between total and action), invoices that have been sent electronically are labeled Sent.
–  (Open Sent) labeled for recent Invoice payment not due yet
–  (Overdue Sent) labeled for invoice past payment due date
–  (Open view) labeled for invoice actual viewed by client
*In case STATUS column is blocked adjust column-width a bit.

You can click any actual invoice and under activities at bottom, sent and viewed (if viewed by client) will have date and time information.

Click on the screenshots below to enlarge them
sent viewed

sent activitites

sent viewed activities


You can also receive an emailed copy of each invoice you send out.

To do this:

  • Click the Company Gear Icon (upper right corner)
  • Select Company Settings
  • Select Sales
  • Click Messages
  • Check the box Email me a copy
  • Save


#QuickBooks Online