Category: QBO Update
Is it possible in the new QB Online to finally change the column width on invoices?
Yes, it’s available now. You can finally re-size columns on Invoices. From the home page screen Select Create (+) sign (upper-middle) Select Invoice under Customers heading Select “Customize” at the bottom middle Select “Columns” Select + or – to resize width of the Invoice column Save See attached screenshot photo for reference More improvements are…
Which lists have which features in newly improved QuickBooks Online (QBO)?
This table will show which lists have which features all in one page. These are much improved added features in last two months. Now, create forms should also have similar features fast. Not able to adjust account or product/service column size on various create forms seem to be a big problem right now. …
What are the new improvements in QuickBooks Online just announced in May, 2014?
These are the new improvements in QuickBooks Online posted on 5/23/2014. Smart one is able to hide financials from the home page if necessary. Not so smart one is to move “Print Checks” feature to somewhere under Transactions > Expenses. Source: