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How to process and print sales tax liability check?

To process sales tax liability:
From blue navigation bar (on the left)

  • Select Sales Tax (or Taxes)
  • From Sales Tax Center > Review “Sales Tax Owed”
  • Select “Record Tax Payment” button (or “View Report” button)
  • Select “Bank Account”
  • Select “Print a Check” box if paying by check (or enter notes if paying online)
  • Select “Record Tax Payment” button again and proceed with instructions
Sales Tax Center
Sales Tax Center
Sales Tax Payment Print Check
Sales Tax Payment Print Check

To print sales tax liability check:

From blue navigation bar (on the left)

  • Select Transactions
  • Select Print Checks
  • Select “Checks to Print”
  • Select Bank Account
  • Select Starting Check Number to print
  • Select “Print” button
Select Checks to Print
Select Checks to Print