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Enter “Bill” from vendor (supplier) to be paid later.
This is to record transactions as Accounts Payable (A/P) in QuickBooks. These are for purchased items or supplies, they are to be paid at a later date. Normally, your supplier will give terms at the time of purchase and it will show as terms and payment due date on their invoice.

Go to Vendor Bill in QuickBooks:
From the home page screen

  • Click create + sign menu (top middle), it will spin and change to x sign.
  • Under Vendors choose Bill.


To enter a Vendor Bill, fill out the bill form:

In QuickBooks, Bill feature is available in Essentials plan and Plus plan. This feature in not available in Simple Start (or Easy Start) plan.


Choose a VendorChoose the vendor who sent you this bill. If this is a new vendor, you can choose “+ Add New” (top of the list) from here. Click Save. Only the Vendor’s name gets saved. You can go to the Vendor page (left navigation bar > vendors > choose vendor) later to enter additional information.

Optional: You can also choose available “Autocomplete widget” from the QuickBooks Labs. From home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > QuickBooks Labs > Autocomplete widget > Switch ON. Once it is activated, go back to vendor form (refresh the page if needed).
Add NEW vendors more easily so you can create bills faster. You just type vendor name (for example: Office Depot), QBO will fill in the rest. They use publicly available white pages info to complete the address, phone, website, tax ID, and more.
To learn more and see demo, click here! This is for both vendors and customers.
Enter the TermsEnter the Terms of this bill. This is how long the vendor gives you to pay. For example, Net 30 means you’ve got 30 days from the bill date to pay it from their Invoice date. Normally, it should indicate TERMS on their Invoice.
You can also make “Default bill payment terms” say for example terms 15 days by changing the setting.
From the home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > expenses > bills and expenses > Default bill payment terms > save
Enter the Bill dateThis date is as shown on the Vendor’s Bill. This is not your selected entered date.
Due dateQuickBooks will automatically compute this due date based on entered terms and bill date. You just to verify vendors payment due date with actual bill.
Also, allow couple of days in advance to pay the bill. Vendors expect payment on time, the same way you like to see receiving payment from our customer on time.
Enter the Vendor Bill NumberThis is invoice number from the Vendor Bill. Accuracy of this reference number is very important, especially if you are making payment for multiple bills in one check.
DescriptionEnter description based on vendor bill. For example, purchase of printing paper or office rent for August. Very useful information when running the report for past transactions.
Account CategoryIn Account (start with #1), choose the category for the purchase or service you’re paying for in the drop down menu as listed on the Chart of Accounts. For example, for the purchase of supplies from the Office Depot choose an account such as Office Supplies. Add the Amount for this bill.
Split AccountIf you have a Bill that you would like to split to more account categories, choose line #2 (for more click “Add line”). It will expand to six lines.
Delete lineIf need to delete line, select wastebasket icon (far right, next to amount)
MemoUse memo field, to enter more information related to this bill. This memo is mainly internal. It doesn’t appear on printed bill payments.
AttachmentsTo attach, vendor bill or receipts against this voucher, choose paper clip icon from your computer. Once it is downloaded, it will show file name.
SaveClick “Save” if you have a long Bill to enter. This way it will not lose in case of internet disruption.
Save and new or Save and CloseClick “Save and new” to enter a new Bill. Click “Save and close” if you are done here.

Select “Make Recurring” at the bottom middle of the Vendor Bill

  • For bills that you need to pay monthly (or on any other regular schedule), set up a new recurring template to be reminded to enter the bill.
  • When you’re ready to pay a bill, you can click:

    • Make payment from the Vendors (from the home page screen > left navigation bar > vendors > choose vendor > under action column, select make payment.
    • Expense Transactions pages (from the home page screen > left navigation bar > transactions > choose payee > under action column, select make payment.
    • To pay more than one bill, click Create (+) > vendors > Pay Bills > select bills to paid for payees.


    These are expanded Bill (vendor forms) features available in Plus plan.

    Item details
    Item details section is for entering purchases of inventory items bill in QBO Plus plan.
    To enable Item details and tracking inventory features in QBO Plus plan

  • To Track Inventory > from the home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > sales > products and services > all three tracking features > ON > save
  • To Show Items table on vendor forms > from the home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > expense > bills and expenses > Show Items table on expense and purchase forms> ON > save
  • Once you enable those two features in settings, you will be able to set up track-able inventory items in products/services list and then able to enter inventory items Bill with quantity and rate columns.

    To enable tracking locations and classes in QBO Plus plan:

  • To show locations field and class columns on Bill (vendor forms) in QBO plus plan > from the home page screen < company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > company > categories > track classes and locations ON (both or just one ON) > save
  • Location applies to a single location per Vendor Bill field. You cannot select multiple locations. For tracking classes, it is added to column field. You can select multiple classes. Locations and classes tracking fields are for both account details and items sections.
    To enable billable features for products and services to customers in QBO plus plan:
    This is to add billable, tax and customer columns on Vendor forms > from the home page screen < company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > expenses > bills and expenses

  • Track expenses and items by customer (Adds a Customer column on expense and purchase forms so you can track expenses and items by customer) > ON
  • Make expenses and items billable (Adds a Billable column on expense and purchase forms so you can add billable expenses and items on sales forms) > ON
  • Charge sales tax (Turns on the Tax checkbox by default for billable expenses and items. Requires sales tax to be turned on first) > ON
  • Once they are enabled, it applies to both account details and items sections.