Your Account

How to cancel a QuickBooks Online Subscription in new QuickBooks Online?

Sign in to your QuickBooks Online company at
From the home page screen

  • Go the Company “Gear” (upper right corner)
  • Select “Your Account” under “Your Company” heading
  • Select “Billing Info” under “Your Account” heading
  • Click “Edit Billing Info” blue button
  • In the Subscription Status section, click the Cancel Subscription link
  • Follow the on-screen prompts and it will walk you through the rest

Note: You won’t be able to cancel a QuickBooks Online company via a mobile device.

Gear Your Account
Gear Your Account

Your Account Billing Info
Your Account Billing Info

Your Account Billing Info Cancel Subscription
Your Account Billing Info Cancel Subscription

How to get to Your Account in new QuickBooks Online?

  • From the Home page screen
  • Go to the Company Gear (right upper-corner)
  • Select Your Account under Your Company heading

Gear Your Account
Gear Your Account

Your Account will have the following:

  • Billing Info
  • Payment History
  • Company Info
  • Personal Info
  • Upgrade (NOTE: Upgrade Yes, but NO downgrade. Think twice before Upgrade)

This is also the place where they will have your credit card information. If you need change the credit card number, you will need to come here.

Your Account
Your Account

How do I step down my plan in QBO? I don’t think I need this level.

Answer: Sorry, you can not!

    Upgrade Yes, but NO downgrade. Think twice before Upgrade!

Just reminded me of old “Roaches check in, but they don’t check out!” commercial.

If there is no downgrade, what’s the viable option for that other than just cancel it?

Simple answer is none.

What will happen to my financial data?

Their recommendation is to download data to QuickBooks desktop version (QBDT) and import it back to QuickBooks Online (QBO). That’s very iffy proposition at best.