How to get here?
From the home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > chart of accounts
You can also get here from: from the home page screen > left blue navigation bar > transactions > chart of accounts
- Upper right corner > Add NEW account button and run report for the Chart of Accounts
- How to batch edit account number and name?
From Chart of Accounts page > select batch edit (small pencil icon, right corner next to print icon) - You can filter by name or number for specific account from here. Just type name (or account number) and enter.
- To see inactive accounts (previously deleted accounts) > click small gear far right and select inactive from the list.
Under Action column
- View Register (for all Balance Sheet Accounts)
- Edit (drop-down arrow) – this is for editing existing account
- Delete (drop-down arrow) – this is for deleting (in fact making account inactive)
- Run Report – This is for running “Account QuickReport” for any accounts including for Bank/Cash Register
How to enable account numbers?
From the home page screen > company gear (upper right corner) > settings > company settings > advanced > chart of accounts > enable account numbers ON
How to add new account (for example bank account) in QBO?
From the Home page screen
- Select the Company Gear (top upper corner)
- Select “Chart of Accounts” under Settings header
- Select “New” button
- New Account screen will open
- Category Type = Bank
- Detail Type = Bank account type (like checking or savings)
- Name = Name of the Bank
- Description = Same as name (with acct number optional)
- Save
Note: Leave BALANCE blank. You will need to write an appropriate entry for the opening bank balance separately.
If you are adding any other new accounts, you will need to take the same steps.

How to delete or make account inactive?

From the Home page screen
- Select the Company Gear (right upper-corner)
- Select “Chart of Accounts” under Settings header
- Locate/highlight (single click, not double click) account to delete or make it inactive
- Select “Delete” button (upper-right corner, next to new, edit)
- New Warning screen will open
- Select “Yes”

- Go back to the Chart of Accounts list
- Select “Include inactive” checkbox (located left upper-corner)
- Page will automatically refresh
- It will list both all active and all inactive accounts. For example inactive Vehicles accounts as “Vehicles (deleted).”
How to see inactive or deleted accounts?
How do I undelete an account or make inactive account or active?
- Go back to the Chart of Accounts list
- Check the box for “Include inactive” at the top of the page
- Double click on account you want to undelete or make it active again
- New pop up Account window will open
- Locate inactive box at the bottom left, right below Cancel button
- Uncheck “Inactive” box
- Click Save
- See below for screenshot photo for reference

How to merge two accounts into one account?
You will need to merge the two accounts into one account you want to keep.
From the Home page screen
- Go to the Company Gear icon (located at top upper right corner)
- Select Chart of Accounts under Settings header
- Click on the account you are keeping to select it and then the Edit button.
- Copy the Account Name, make note of the Detail Type and if the Is Sub-account option is marked. If sub-account is marked, make note of the parent account it is associated with.
- Click the browser’s back arrow to return to the Chart of Accounts.
- Select the account whose name you don’t want to use and click Edit.
- Paste in the Account Name and make sure the Detail Type matches the account with which you’re merging.
- If these are sub-accounts, make sure they are associated with the same parent. If only one is a sub-account, make it a parent account by deselecting the Is Sub-account option.
- Click Save.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to merge the two accounts.
How to import Chart of Accounts in new QuickBooks Online?
Here are the steps needed to import the Chart of Accounts:
- From the gear icon go to Import Data and choose Chart of Accounts.
- Read the checklist before importing and make sure your file fits the requirements for import (must be a .csv or Excel file format and must have Account Type and Name fields). I recommend downloading this sample Excel spreadsheet and use it as a format:
- Click Choose File to find your file.
- Click Open.
- Click Continue.
- Click the drop-down menus next to the field descriptions to choose which field to import. If you don’t use a field, choose I don’t have this.
- When you’re ready, click Continue.
- If you’re missing critical fields, we’ll tell you by showing you an icon with an exclamation point and an instruction (such as Choose type, Choose detail type, or both).
- When you’re done, click Import [number] Records.
Important information to note:
- The Type and Detail Type should match the types in QBO. If not, you’ll get an error message in red and will need to change each line item manually.
- Right now you can’t add new types or detail types; these are hard-coded into the system. Please select the best fit for each account. Here’s a link to a spreadsheet that has all the detail types listed: Detail Types:
- The import limit is 2 MB or 1000 rows.
- The colon character isn’t allowed, so parent:sub-account relationships will have to imported as parents first, then adjusted to become subs on the chart of accounts after the import is completed.
- See the Learn more link inside QuickBooks Online for exact limits on name lengths and other restrictions.
- The import is ADDITIVE. That means that it will add accounts to the already-existing Chart of Accounts but won’t subtract the standard ones that came with QuickBooks Online.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can’t undo this import.
QuickBooks Chart of Accounts (Types and Detail Types)
Bank | Cash on hand |
Bank | Checking |
Bank | Money Market |
Bank | Rents Held in Trust |
Bank | Savings |
Bank | Trust account |
Other Current Assets | Accounts Receivable (A/R) |
Other Current Assets | Allowance for Bad Debts |
Other Current Assets | Development Costs |
Other Current Assets | Employee Cash Advances |
Other Current Assets | Inventory |
Other Current Assets | Investment – Mortgage/Real Estate Loans |
Other Current Assets | Investment – Tax-Exempt Securities |
Other Current Assets | Investment – U.S. Government Obligations |
Other Current Assets | Investments – Other |
Other Current Assets | Loans To Officers |
Other Current Assets | Loans to Others |
Other Current Assets | Loans to Stockholders |
Other Current Assets | Other Current Assets |
Other Current Assets | Prepaid Expenses |
Other Current Assets | Retainage |
Other Current Assets | Undeposited Funds |
Fixed Assets | Accumulated Amortization |
Fixed Assets | Accumulated Depletion |
Fixed Assets | Accumulated Depreciation |
Fixed Assets | Buildings |
Fixed Assets | Buildings |
Fixed Assets | Furniture & Fixtures |
Fixed Assets | Intangible Assets |
Fixed Assets | Land |
Fixed Assets | Leasehold Improvements |
Fixed Assets | Machinery & Equipment |
Fixed Assets | Other Fixed Assets |
Fixed Assets | Vehicles |
Other Assets | Accumulated Amortization of Other Assets |
Other Assets | Goodwill |
Other Assets | Lease Buyout |
Other Assets | Licenses |
Other Assets | Organizational Costs |
Other Assets | Other Long-term Assets |
Other Assets | Security Deposits |
Accounts payable (A/P) | Accounts Payable (A/P) |
Credit Card | Credit Card |
Other Current Liabilities | Federal Income Tax Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Insurance Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Line of Credit |
Other Current Liabilities | Loan Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Other Current Liabilities |
Other Current Liabilities | Payroll Clearing |
Other Current Liabilities | Payroll Tax Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Prepaid Expenses Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Rents in trust – Liability |
Other Current Liabilities | Sales Tax Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | State/Local Income Tax Payable |
Other Current Liabilities | Trust Accounts – Liabilities |
Long Term Liabilities | Notes Payable |
Long Term Liabilities | Other Long Term Liabilities |
Long Term Liabilities | Shareholder Notes Payable |
Equity | Accumulated Adjustment |
Equity | Common Stock |
Equity | Opening Balance Equity |
Equity | Owner’s Equity |
Equity | Paid-In Capital or Surplus |
Equity | Partner Contributions |
Equity | Partner Distributions |
Equity | Partner’s Equity |
Equity | Preferred Stock |
Equity | Retained Earnings |
Equity | Treasury Stock |
Income | Discounts/Refunds Given |
Income | Non-Profit Income |
Income | Other Primary Income |
Income | Sales of Product Income |
Income | Service/Fee Income |
Income | Unapplied Cash Payment Income |
Cost of Goods Sold | Cost of labor – COS |
Cost of Goods Sold | Equipment Rental – COS |
Cost of Goods Sold | Other Costs of Services – COS |
Cost of Goods Sold | Shipping, Freight & Delivery – COS |
Cost of Goods Sold | Supplies & Materials – COGS |
Expenses | Advertising/Promotional |
Expenses | Auto |
Expenses | Bad Debts |
Expenses | Bank Charges |
Expenses | Charitable Contributions |
Expenses | Cost of Labor |
Expenses | Dues and subscriptions |
Expenses | Entertainment |
Expenses | Entertainment Meals |
Expenses | Equipment Rental |
Expenses | Finance costs |
Expenses | Insurance |
Expenses | Interest Paid |
Expenses | Legal & Professional Fees |
Expenses | Office/General Administrative Expenses |
Expenses | Other Miscellaneous Service Cost |
Expenses | Payroll Expenses |
Expenses | Promotional Meals |
Expenses | Rent or Lease of Buildings |
Expenses | Repair & Maintenance |
Expenses | Shipping, Freight & Delivery |
Expenses | Supplies & Materials |
Expenses | Taxes Paid |
Expenses | Travel |
Expenses | Travel Meals |
Expenses | Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense |
Expenses | Utilities |
Other Income | Dividend Income |
Other Income | Interest Earned |
Other Income | Other Investment Income |
Other Income | Other Miscellaneous Income |
Other Income | Tax-Exempt Interest |
Other Income | Exchange Gain |
Other Expense | Amortization |
Other Expense | Depreciation |
Other Expense | Exchange Loss |
Other Expense | Other Miscellaneous Expense |
Other Expense | Penalties & Settlements |
Excel Download: