Category: Employees
Can I put myself on payroll as an employee?
Answer entirely depends on on the legal entity type for your business. If you are filing tax return as a sole proprietor, the answer is definitely no since you are not as employee. If the business is a corporation type, then you are an employee and you must be paid reasonable compensation and can be…
How can I print my paychecks in new QuickBooks Online? It prints out a pay stub only.
To print specific employee paycheck: From the home page screen Select blue navigation bar on the left. Select “Employees” tab Choose on the particular Employee Select on the tab “Paycheck List” Put a check mark on the paycheck you want to print Select “Print” under Batch Action drop-down selector Click “Print” button (hoover around your mouse…
How could I copy last week’s time sheet into this week and then edit it if need be? It was available before the update.
“Copy last timesheet” is back for Weekly Timesheet. From the home page screen Select Create (+) sign Select “Weekly Timesheet” under Employees Copy last timesheet is located at the bottom middle See attached screenshot photo for reference Note: Click “More” link if you need to expand Create (+) sign