QuickBooks Online doesn’t have an Undo Last Reconciliation feature. To unreconcile a reconciliation you’ll need to unreconcile each transaction via the register.

To access and print a previous reconciliation report:
- From the gear icon go to Reconcile.
- Choose the account from the drop-down list.
- Click on the desired reconciliation report.
- Once the report is open, click Print.
To undo a reconciliation:

- Select Transactions on the left menu then Registers.
- Click on the account then click Go to Register
- Find the transactions that need to be unreconciled, one at a time.
- To highlight click on the transaction.
- Click on the R on the top line of the transaction, which is between the Payment and Deposit or Charge and Payment amount. Clicking in this field will allow you to change the status of the transaction to the desired status from blank = unreconciled to C = Cleared.
- Click on Save.
- A message will appear: This transaction has already been reconciled. You should only remove the R if you’re correcting a mistake. Are you sure you want to remove the R? click Yes.
- Continue this process for each transaction on the reconciliation report or statement you want to unreconcile.