New SmartCheck in QuickBooks Labs

New SmartCheck in QuickBooks Labs
Do you think your QuickBooks in top shape? Let QBO SmartCheck scan the books and tell you what they found.

Currently, it lists the following items for your review:

  • Vendors without a physical address setup
  • Duplicate checks
  • Checks without a payee name
  • Large expenses that could be capital purchases
  • Very old checks not voided or cleared by the bank

Click “Fix it” under the Action column and follow the instructions.






Since this’s still in QuickBooks Labs, they also have the “Want more?” tab and add a few more items that you like to see next. This is your chance to leave your feedback. Check it out!

To Turn SmartCheck ON:
(Gear > Your Company > QB Labs > Smart Check > ON>
To Review SmartCheck:
(Gear > Tools > Smart Check)



